27 Dec 2009

Childhood joy!

Yes, it is indeed back! This is Arctic Roll, my absolute favourite frozen food when I was a little kid. We were poor then, and a roll had to last the whole family. It was a special treat that doesn't come by often. We would slice it very carefully so that everyone gets a slice that is of equal thickness. Every slice was treated with reverence, and every crumb, precious. In fact, I loved it so much I would lick the plate after my slice was gone, to make sure that not one iota of it was wasted.
Bird's Eye had stopped its production in 1997 but revived it in December 2008. I saw it at the supermarket yesterday and was like, hmm, oh well, my brother remarked that we don't have a Xmas cake this year, so let's just eat this then.
But then, I had the first slice, and it was damn good! I haven't felt so good eating anything for a long while, and I havent been able to stop eating it. *burp*. Oh, the joy of rediscovering a childhood treat and to find that it still has that oomph!

25 Dec 2009

Merry little Christmas

From those fluffy clouds, snow will never fall
Upon the congregations at the malls
But a white Christmas I need not yearn for
When what you've given means so much more

My lousy attempt at writing a Xmas rhyme, but I'm ending the year on a grateful note and wish to thank everyone who spent time with me during Xmas gatherings and who bought or even made gifts for me. Thank you so much because, yes, it really means a lot to me that I'm in your thoughts as you are in mine. :)