12 Nov 2011

Take it Eazzzy

My resolutions for this year are pretty simple: to fall sick less and play more. I dare say I had a good run for about 6 months. During that time, I chalked up only a half-day MC and made an effort to meet up with different groups of friends. Socially, I've not been this active since...since...I don't know, JC?

But it looks like my body has run out of steam. I started getting colds again. The current bout has lasted 8 days and now viral rash is appearing on my neck. A few too many pimples have been blooming on my face. I feel too tired to go out with friends or family. And because my father is undergoing chemotherapy now, his immune system is compromised and I've to avoid being in the same room as him.

Health is a concern very much on the everyone' s mind right now. My eldest sister gave me a prep talk about living more healthily and making an effort to improve my immune system a few nights ago as she sees me as the weakest link in the family. 

I'd say she's right. I really need to take better care of myself. My prevailing thought this year has been to do more. I need to go out more, read more, learn more, catch up with more friends, know more about what's happening and try more new things. But now I just want to take it easy.I've designated this weekend to be a sleepfest...and the weather is just right for that. I'll do nothing but laze around and take my meds and sleep without feeling guilt that I've postponed a meet-up to December, I'm not reading any of the books on the expanding list in my mind, or the magazines piling up on the bedroom floor, or practising that interesting little piece called Tambourin on my violin, or watching the DVD of the documentary Old Places I bought a few weeks ago. I probably shouldn't even be blogging. Yeah, I just want to eat, sleep, bum around and let my tired body and mind rest. All else can wait. Only when I'm taking good care of myself can I take care of others.