28 Feb 2006

Confessions of a reluctant slacker

Was looking at this article on MSN about the signs of job burnout:

1) Co-workers are nervous about your cranky moods
2) Coming in late and leaving early
3) Apathy instead of enthusiasm
4) No camaraderie with co-workers
5) Physically sick (cannot sleep)

What do you know, I display all of the above signs. I've never scored full marks for such evaluative quizzes before. And add to that blogging and surfing the net during office hours. If the boredom at work can even drive me to Friendster, the problem is more acute than I think.

And just now my colleague and I were taking photos of beach images from my travel magazine (see picture above) and saving them on our hand phones (so that we can look at them whenever we want; the magazine is falling apart from our constant and enthusiastic flipping)--that's how much we wish to take a break, to get away from here.

I can still remember the time when I was a newbie here, when my new sneakers squeaked cheerfully as I walked down the long corridor outside my office (they've been thrown away), when I was dazzled by the array of drinks sold at the cafeteria, and when I actually get excited about working with full professors. What went wrong?


Anonymous said...

You are bored. That's what's wrong. :) Time for a change. Chinese proverb : Ren2 Nuo2 Hui4 Huo2, Shu4 Nuo2 Hui4 Shi3.

Meaning : Unlike the tree, humans need to move around and embrace change to survive.

june said...

You are right.

But what if the change is for the worse? I'm scared.

Anonymous said...

Actually... I think it's even more unhealthy to be stagnant in one place than worry about moving on to a (erhem) shittier place. I've people in my workplace complaining about being sian and life suxs and what not and still they remain... drowning deeper and deeper into their abyss of sianness... haha. And I can imagine them being sian for the rest of their miserable existance because they simply ain't doing anything about it. I think being "sian" is sorta like a sign for you to do something about it and I believe things will be for the better :). Gambate ne.

june said...

You are right again. :)

Nothing is worse than being stagnant and yet at the same time being afraid to change. Thanks!