There's something about the Aussies that make them ask this question all the time. Are you supposed to give them a perfunctory "Right ho, mate!", or think earnestly about the question and dissect your conflicting emotions right there and then: "Well, you know, there's good times and there's bad times and one musn't complain TOO MUCH but what the pluck were they thinking when I already told them I don't want to touch it and they still approach the manager, asking for permission to force me to handle it? Jerks!"
Aussies are great people: always looking at the bright side, easy-going and friendly, with a ready supply of inoffensive jokes and jibes and pleasant small talk (OK, I'm stereotyping. Bad me.) but....why do I always feel the pressure to say "everything's great!" to their friendly, off-hand questions? Like if I do not, I'll be seen as a moody grey cloud that crosses their path of eternal sunshine and darkens their skies momentarily.
I should probably learn from their optimism and explain away my moodiness with a cheery: "Just doing my part to block out the ultraviolet, mate!" :P