19 Jun 2006

Baking virtuoso in the making (VI): Father's day edition

So, you thought you've heard the last of the baking apprentice? Well, no, of course not! You underestimate my determination to churn out one confectionary fiasco after another.

But after the disaster on Mother's Day, I did tell myself that this time round I'll be meticulous and on-task and pay attention when making a cake for my father. I decided to take on a more intricate receipe: an orange mousse cake. Very foolish, but if you've read my mother's day edition post you'll know that irrationality is my guiding light when it comes to baking.

It looks not bad, doesn't it? Those yellow things on the cake are jelly diced into small cubes. It tasted OK too; at least that's what my father says. Well, the catch is, it took me 5 freaking hours to make it! From 2pm to 7pm. And my mother gleefully told me that she baked a butter cake in just 40 mins last week. ( -_-'') This includes an intermission when I polished off a packet of nasi lemak; and when I had to abandon the whole thing and scurry off to buy another packet of dairy cream after a failed attempt to whip up the mousse. Wiped out, I tell you.

I think my father ought to be touched. Maybe he'll give me a big b'day prezzie this week.

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