3 Jul 2006

Baking virtuoso in the making (VII): No more mousse

Can I bake my cake but not eat it too? The baking apprentice is surprisingly, not a cake person and is actually kinda sick of eating her own confectionary goodies and shall lay off baking for a while after this coffee mousse cake. A colleague actually applauded my decision. Oh well.

Feedback was that the coffee cake's OK, but the mousse is not sweet enough as I forgot to counter the bitterness of coffee with more sugar.

I wanted to post the receipe here, but the thing is, I can't even tell you how many spoonfuls of coffee powder I used--I just kept adding them until the colour seems right, and the batter smelled coffee-ish enough. It was all done in a very ah-gar-ish manner. But I sure hope it gave those who ate it a caffeine rush!

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