3 Sept 2006

Places I want to go (II)

After more than a month of discussion, my friend H and I have booked that holiday thing. Perth, here we come! People have been saying that Perth is a boring place for retirees and old people but I think that's what we want: to let loose in a nice, quiet, little city (we are both, after all, spoilt, bratty city gals) with little shops, cafes, marketplaces, a nice park and surrounded by picturesque natural wonders, like what picture is showing above. Look at the sky! The water! I was telling H that I want to walk along the jetty that extends into nothingness and just jump straight into the blue water. Woo hoo! This is going to be one cool, crazy trip.


Anonymous said...

Please don't jump into the water... my swimming abilities is only up to the breadth of a normal size swimming pool and I don't think I have the strength to drag you to shore after you konk out...

june said...

In comes cutie aussie lifeguard!

Hong said...
