19 Nov 2006

Moderately addicted to coffee

In my own little ways I've been 1 of those people who are prone to excesses. And to think of it, most people around me has their own peculiar "overindulgence"--most, thankfully, in (somewhat) harmless things such as food or shopping etc., as opposed to harmful substances or behaviour. Our world is such that it actually implicitly encourages excessive-ness, because so many things can be bought as long as you can pay.

So what have been my excesses? I have a habit of craving for a certain food (it could be anything unhealthy, from chicken rice to coke) and eating it repeatedly until I get tired and move on to another. I used to stay up all night and sleep only when the sun rises. I listen to songs that I like almostly obsessively until I become mighty sick of them. I sleep too much, sometimes until I feel groggy and faint. And of course, I'm a coffee addict.

See, moderation is like a dirty word when we are still young. Why the restraint when you know you can afford to get away with it? But as 1 of my favourite singers John Mayer croons it: "Oh twice as much ain't twice as good", and as I get older, moderation is starting to sound like a good idea.

I was complaining that my health seems to be getting poorer. All sorts of allergies surfaced since I started working. It may seem like a bad thing, but I think it's my body's way of telling me that it's not going to overlook any more of my unthinking trespasses. It's time to take more care of myself, to be responsible for my own health. Nowadays, if I eat too much heaty and spicy food, my face breaks out in pimples. If I don't take fruits for awhile, I become sick. If I take too much of it, I get indigestion. And I struggle to stay up past 2 am.

Of course, it is not to say that I've changed for the better entirely. Otherwise I wouldn't be such a grouch before having my life-saving dose of coffee every morning, or to listen to music even as I struggle to concentrate on copyediting. But I try. Sometimes. :) Like how I restrict myself to 1 cup of coffee on most days. Sometimes I trade it for the milder tea. I'm one of those people who believe in the mind and body being 1 system and all, so it's like a vice versa thing, which means I have to keep myself in a moderately pleasant mood. Ooooh, now that's a challenge, since tomorrow is a Mon. Sigh! :)))

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