12 Dec 2006

Who wants to be a rocket scientist?

"Many people are held back in life because they think they can't do it when, in fact, many things are not rocket science."

Very wise words, if you ask me. This was spoken by a certain Mr Ang who graduated from the same journalism school as me, and who went on to become a VP of a US biomedical firm at the age of 33. Wow, super achiever.

It's quite easy to dismiss it, and gripe: "Oh, right, easy for him to say, he who was on a government scholarship and who graduated with 1st class honours". But what he says resonated--I often find that I put myself down whenever I'm thinking about embarking on something new, even for something as simple as a violin exam or learning how to drive.

I should learn more from the people around me who have that can-do spirit, like my neighbour at work whose favourite phrase is "Go (insert name) go!"

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