20 Feb 2007

Post-CNY blues?

here it comes, the piggy year
oinks to all who's dear and near
those i can't stand pls steer clear
'cos pigs give great kicks in the rear!

Age seems to be on the minds of of friends recently. I never used to think that being in your twenties is considered old. But a lot of them have been using the dreaded word of late. I told one of them that once you think you're old, that's it--almost like it's game over. To another, I said that we should enjoy our twenties because we'll have plenty of time to lament when we progress into the thirties.

But the truth be told, I feel kinda old myself after a recent bout of health troubles. Over the CNY, I also met up with alot of relatives and as I look at the younger cousins all grown up and glowing while all the aunties and uncles are looking more wizened and grey, I just feel more vulnerable.

Growing older just doesn't seem like a very appealing prospect, but it is something natural and I believe that our attitude would eventually evolve with age and we'll cope with and accept what we cannot stop. But what I cannot resolve away so conveniently is the possibility of losing people as we grow older. It'll be painful no matter what age we're at.

Some of the younger cousins don't care two hoots about me and neither do I them. :P It's always the older aunties and uncles who make the effort to chat because they know I'm the quiet one and they've watched me grow up. So for the new year, I hope that I would be in good health and that my parents and aunties and uncles would all be hale and hearty! The same goes for my dear friends too. So stock up on those supplements (with your bounty of ang bao $, Rudolph! ho ho ho!), resveratrol or otherwise. :)

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