11 Nov 2007

Blogging is not fun

I seem incapable of blogging spontaneously. I wish I could. Those who do seem to have much more fun.

My blog is an exercise in deliberation. My posts are usually very short, but I don't remember ever spending less than 1 hour on even the shortest, 1-paragraph post. Do I sound too whiny here? Would I offend anyone if I write that? If it's not a showcase of the most scrupulous, diligent self-censorship, I don't know what is.

Not only the content--I write, delete, rewrite sentences over and over again, so that they sound right, stylistically. I attribute it to the legacy of my journalism education. Or maybe I'm just a bit anal. A friend recently commented that my blog looks very "neat" but I know that my thoughts are anything but. I certainly don't think in such neat, short paragraphs.

For me, writing has becomes a highly deliberate, premeditated process. Writing is not "fun" but needs a purpose, an agenda. And maybe blogging is about creating an online persona. I write, therefore I am. I think many people blog so that they can write their preferred persona into existence. The truth is, what we're blogging is really not so much about what we're thinking, but what we want others to know we're thinking. ;)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't worry. You are not alone.

I never am able to whip out an entry in matters of seconds too.
I dOn't see it as creating a preferred persona. I see it as creating a preferred thought.

Writing, deleting and re-writing provided avenue to ponder and decide how I'd like to think and react... with less consequences than in everyday's actual play, i suppose..... =)

Anonymous said...

preferred thought! I like! it certainly sounds less cynical. sometimes we think such contradictory thoughts but i suppose the one that we blog about is the one we decide to commit to. But sometimes I read my own blog and i think, hmm, is that really me?

Anonymous said...

Jialat... I just write whatever that comes to my puny head... Y must think so much one meh?...

Anonymous said...

u're exactly the kind of person who have more fun than me!