24 Apr 2008

Land of the sakura

Everyone I know wants to visit Japan. And no wonder, because life just seems...pleasanter over there. Everyone you meet is polite and mostly helpful, the weather doesn't leave you hot and bothered and sticky, and the food is great!! Not to mention that sakura was in full bloom the week I was there. You could see them everywhere, in the parks, by the roads, at the temples etc.

But of course, everything comes with a price. I felt like a pauper when shopping over there, always looking out for the cheap brands. But when you do get a bargain (whoohoo, 1000 yen Levi's jeans)--priceless!

And most meals there are experiences to be enjoyed. The food are usually yummy, and their restaurants and cafes tend to be small and cozy, unlike the impersonal and noisy ones in Sin8apore with lots of human traffic and staff who can't wait for you to vacant your places. I particulary enjoyed reading with my sister at her favourite cafe. We ordered tea and bread pudding, and then just sat there reading for 2 hours in the late afternoon. Anyway, I'm no good at describing food, so best to let the pictures do the talking!

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