18 Oct 2009

Awesome music

There is such awesomeness in this world and here I am, struggling to understand chords. Drats!

When I heard this piece by Tchaikovsky, for the first time I truly appreciate the beauty and expressiveness of the violin.

If I have to put up with all the pain of mugging for theory exams to get the chance to learn to play something like this one day, dang it, I will. But right now, the pain is very real!

Itzhak Perlman, you are so good, you're badass! :)

11 Oct 2009

All about food in Taiwan

Jiapalan food from the Shilin night market such as the famous 鸡排 and sausages. So-so only--was quite disappointed after hearing so much about the night market.

扁食in Hualien, 云吞to us.

We heart breakfast!

烤肉串from Hualien's night market. Long queue and highly recommended by the taxi driver. Not bad not bad, but extremely oily... -_-

Zhi char at the same night market. Singapore's is tastier, thank you.

We eat nao! Jiapalan food from Hualien, including sweet potato, beancurd, KFC and McDonald's.

Rose milk tea and mixed fruit tea at a teahouse at Jiufen.

Taiwanese bento eaten at the Taroko National Park: not really my kind of food though.

Dinner at the 五角船板 restaurant: a most satisfying meal, especially the smooth and succulent cod fish and the yummy drunken chicken rolls. The restaurant is enormous, occupying a whole building and consisting of 4 floors.

Nice pasta at the Mr J(ay Chou) cafe: I finished my big plate of aglio olio pasta (lower right), to everyone's surprise.

Crunchy prawn balls at Jiufen. Yums. We also had grilled mushrooms there, juicy and chewy!

Helper at the mushroom stall: 来试试杨过的最爱!
Helper at the mushroom stall: 好吃的菇菇!

BREAD!!! Lots of it! Need I say more?

4 Oct 2009



看他的书,感触很多。 前晚深夜,我阅读了《月亮忘记了》,读着读着,哭了。

他的故事描写了孤独的成人和小孩的世界。他把最新的作品《星空》献给无法与世界勾通的小孩。我也曾经是一个孤独的小孩。 认为父母不了解我,姐弟不喜欢我,朋友不需要我。地方太小了,没有一个容得下我的角落。

孤独的小孩现在长大成为孤独的大人,但也了解寂寞是难免的, 在孤独中有时也可以自得其乐。孤独也可以是一种自由。

只是, 为什么世上有那么多不快乐的小孩呢?美好的童年跑到哪儿去了?