18 Jun 2011

My interests

I've changed my job and am back at NIE again. But this time, writing is the main responsibility and also the reason why I've gone back despite many reservations.

So far, I've written 4 articles--one of them edited beyond recognition. It needs more hard work than expected, but wasn't as scary as I thought. I used to write during my internship and there were days when I simply couldn't churn out any coherent sentences. When I did, the editor said the pieces sounded all the same. I guess that experience put me off writing for a living. It was too intense.

So the job now is quite a good fit--I get to write but not all the time, because I have to juggle other editorial administrative work.Writing is sometimes boring, often draining, and always humbling (when you get the draft back from the editor with half the content struck off and most other parts rephrased). But it's something I want to work hard at and excel in. 

The recent trip to New York and Washington DC also inspired me to take up photography. NY is an especially photogenic city and it's a waste that I didn't know how to capture its vibrance. Besides, I need to take photos for my articles for the new job. I've also always wanted to be able to take nice photos for this blog instead of "stealing" other people's all the time. :)

And lastly, of course, is music. When a friend asked what was the my most enjoyable experience from the recent US trip, I said it was the NY Youth Symphony's performance at the Carnegie Hall. I can't explain why, but the music just made me feel  present, that there's no better place to be than to be surrounded by the music. The enthusiasm and talent of the (very good-looking) conductor and the young players was also pretty inspiring. 

Speaking of which, my violin exam is coming again! Every single time, it's a mad rush--I don't know why! But I'm switching into exam gear now and am practising more. Must Focus!

So these are the 3 things that have been keeping me happily occupied for the past weeks. Ever since hitting 30 I've tried to be more conscious of where I'm heading to in life and what I want to do. If what they say about doing what you love is true, then I hope that my career will someday, somehow, converge with this trilogy. In the meantime, I'll just have to keep working on them!

1 comment:

mum... said...

Trilogy leh. Sounds like LOTR. :)