23 Oct 2011


I started a new blog! It's at http://image-music-text.tumblr.com/

It doesn't seem like a good idea to start another one when this blog is so inactive. But this new blog has a more specific purpose: I'm using it to make sense of the images, text and music I come into contact with every day, in the hope of learning how to better use these modes of expression.

I decided to start this online scapbook to collect all the things that inspire me in one way or another. Why do it online? I'm a muddled thinker, and as a consequence, a muddled writer. This becomes more obvious to me after I started writing for my new job. My main problem is that my articles lack a logical flow--the ideas are all mixed up together. 

I guess it's the way I think--my head is filled with half-formed ideas somehow (and sometimes illogically) connected to each other. Writing them down seem to help sort out the confusion and bring some focus to my thinking process. And when I know I'm writing for an audience, I try even harder to bring some discipline to the internal chaos. 

But Facebook is too public and this blog is too private. My aim is to make Image.Music.Text. my public blog. I've since realised that sharing of knowledge and ideas is crucial to our personal development and hope that the blog will lead to that one day.

I will still continue to write here. This is the online refuge that I come to whenever I need to vent, complain, think and comfort myself. And during those years when I wasn't writing at all for my various jobs, this was the only avenue for me to keep the writing going, knowing that I have a sympathetic audience who won't judge me too much. :) 

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