6 May 2006

A busful of uncles

I went to one of those mass speech events yesterday and was travelling on a bus full of uncles with tanned, weather-beaten faces. They were speaking in dialects and half the time, I didn't know what they were talking about. But you can sense the camaraderie within that crowded bus. Everyone knows where everbody is going. And I asked myself, what do I have in common with these dialect-sprouting uncles? Why am I on the same bus with them, going to the same place as them?

I think what we have in common is the belief in fair play. You don't need a tertiary education to understand it, or even a common language.

I've done my civic duty now, and as the Heineken ad goes, "Now, we wait".


Anonymous said...

dear bao, always equip yourselves with mosquito repellent when u go for rallies. I know somebody who got dengue from perpetually trotting into grasslands... Ok. Take care of your health. Use mosquito repellent.

june said...

? but it wasn't a grassland, i was in a carpark outside a stadium.