27 Jun 2006

Enjoy interactive dining (subject to cooking dexterity)

Interactive dining experience with fresh, au naturel food sans oil, fat, condiments = lots of listless fiddling with food and pointless scrapping of chao ta bits on the grill with utensils and while waiting for said food to turn "golden and deliciously crispy" = enduring with a bored sulk the "nice-try-but-u-suck" rhyming with the word Mraz = chao ta dory fish/beef/squid full of carcinogens = cough and flu.

Recommended to all who has alternative tastebuds for steamed broccoli and badly burnt barbecued food. Didn't the shockingly bad camp food we churned out at the secondary school camp teach us anything about our cooking aptitute?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh... what talking u? y so many "=" signs? What bad rhyming? Mraz does rhyme with breast, pest, etc... no meh? Dun think ur england powder you can mock us leh... baka...