8 Oct 2006

Swooned...for 5 mins

A guy is most attractive when he is playing a musical instrument, don't you think? I attended a lunchtime concert put up by the Sing*pore Chinese Orchestra at the university campus last week, and there was this piece that featured 2 soloists, 1 male and 1 female. The female soloist was playing the pipa while the guy was playing what seemed like a smaller, more stout version of it.

He doesn't seem like a local Chinese, more like from one of those native tribes who live in some far-flung region in China. He was totally relaxed--occasionally he would break out in a grin while listening to the 50-odd-member orchestra playing behind him, or smile at the female soloist (so cute! I thought to myself.)--and yet his playing was so intense. His fingers were shaking and moving so fast over the strings they were a blur and he looked like a case of advanced Parkinson's disease. Very, very cool.

I wanted to see on the giant screen whether he has dimples when he smiles, but the inept camera people seemed fixated with this burly, mafia-look-alike drummer who looks like he earns extra cash by playing for a lion dance troupe or has a side job as the head cook of a zhi cha stall. Dang it.

But when the piece ended, so did his aura of attractiveness. He got up to take a bow and shake the hand of the conducter etc etc, and seemed just a bit erm, too sissy for my liking? Drats. :P

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