18 Jun 2005

Philosophical rambling

If you've been going through enough blogs (especially blogs of angsty teenagers and restless twenty-somethings) you'll notice an irony.

The people least capable of philosophising are the ones most likely to publish their "philosophical" bleatings.

Of course philosophy should be part of everyone's life. I'm not talking about the discursive, intellectual, theoretical school of philosophy that's the domain of academic scholars but the everyday reflection that every human being is capable of. But it's another thing to "publish" it on the Internet where everyone can read.

Dear reader, steer clear of any blog that has any of the following words: reflection, musings, thoughts, ramblings, rumination, contemplation etc.

Gee, I'm being quite cynical, aren't I? It's just that, some things are best kept private, in perfumed diaries and stuff. To make these things public would only turn what's personal and whimsical into pretentious and embarrassing rantings.

On the other hand, I like blogs that chronicle the quirky and funny everyday encounters of the authors. Or the lists of their favourite things. Or their travails in other parts of the world. In another words, regular blogs that do not pretend to be intellectual or "meaningful". Just blogs that echo the personality of the writers. Simple.

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