26 Jun 2005

Cheap things gladden me?

Things that makes me glad:
1) Rain (but not in the early morning, when I have to get up to go to work!)
2) Relaxation music (those that feature sounds of running water, warbling birds etc.)
3) Staying up late (while reading and munching on hot n' spicy potato chips and sipping ice coffee/green tea)
4) Bread and cakes (my comfort food)
5) Power walking while listening to my MP3 player
6) McDonald's breakfast (Sausage McMuffin and coffee)

See, all of the above are not pricy.

How I know that I'm growing older:
1) I don't have the stamina to stay up late every night and turn up chirpy the next day anymore
2) I'm nicer to my parents and siblings now
3) I make an effort to keep in touch with friends, as an acquaintence noted: "To lose a friend due to neglect is sad."
4) My metabolism rate is going south
5) I learn to be more appreciative of others' work and efforts

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