3 May 2006

Got calcium?

Went for a free health check-up during the weekend and realised that I don't have enough bone mass. People of my weight range are supposed to have 2 kg worth of bones, while I only have 1.8 kg. Well, I'm not surprised, seeing that I don't drink milk or eat tofu or take supplements. But I heard that it's important to deposit as much calcium as you can in your calcium "bank" before you hit 30, because after that only withdrawal is allowed. So friends, stock up on the cheese while you can.

And today my work neighbour, the health supplement expert, was giving me a prep talk about the different types of calcium and drawing up a diagram, the PhD student that he is (refer to image). I wonder where he gets the time to read up on all these.

Let me share some of his advice with you:

1) Taking just calcium is not enough. You need to take it with magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D3 (and not just any D)

2) There are many different types of calcium, most common being calcium carbonate. It is the cheapest, and contains the most elementary calcium (aka the calcium that our body absorbs and uses).

3)But it can be absorbed only in the small intestines and it is important that you take it with food. He said best to choose plant-derived calcium supplements, or you may get some metals in the mix.

4) Other calcium types include gluconate, lactate, and citrate and they can be better absorbed than carbonate, but are more expensive, and contain less elementary calcium. Phosphate cannot be absorbed and acts as a catalyst only (for what, he doesn't know).

Let me know you find this utterly useless. I usually don't blog such erm, informational posts.


Anonymous said...

Yes... we must have a healthy future. DRINK MORE MILK!

june said...

Come to think of it, ensuring that i drank more milk seems to have been your responsibility. Who's been slacking?