16 Mar 2006

Retrospection (I)

I was a silly kid. :)

I still am a silly kid, and if I've had you think otherwise, you've been had; you're not the sharpest tool in the box and there's nothing much I can help you with. Bye now. :)

Was worn out when I got home when I saw this old lunchbox on the table which made me ridiculously cheered up. It is a very ordinary lunchbox, light brown in colour, with "Animal Kingdom" printed on it, along with a lion and elephant (in a sailor suit), and bizzarely, a rabbit with pink cheeks.

"Just take a looking!! We are the elite of animal kingdom." Those strange and incomprehensible prose they have on Japanese/Taiwanese/Korean kawaii stationery and water bottles and what not just crack me up all the time.

It was like recalling a piece of fond memory that you thought you misplaced. Being able to use this lunchbox counted as one of those "high points" during my childhood years, a special concession. I had the impression that it belongs to my sister, and as a child, the possessions of your older siblings were like, the ultimate sophistication.

When I was a child, there seemed to be many things that could cheer me up and get me all animated. My memories are foggy, but I recall grabbing my parents' hands, 1 on each side, and swinging myself off the ground as they walk.

They must have thought me strange. None of my siblings ever did that, my mother told me. But it was fun! And I felt connected to them. They lifted me off the ground when I wanted to.

If you thought that there was a point to this blog entry, you've been had. I was just indulging in some personal reminiscing.

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