3 Apr 2011

And time still marches on

March was really quite a month. 

We finally got to see and coo over little Jarrett, Hong and Ah Beng's baby boy whom we were all waiting to meet. 

My brother suffered an unexpected heartbreak--he took it hard, and we (or at least, my parents and I) along with him. My 2 sisters were calmer about it. It seems that they never did like his ex much. Me, on the other hand, had thought her to be a very nice girl. This experience taught me that when it comes to reading people, I still have much to learn. 

Less than a week after that, the earthquake in Japan happened and that gave me a scare because my eldest sister is still working in Tokyo. The 2 hours after the earthquake when we couldn't reach her through the phone was some very scary 2 hours indeed. Yes, I did plenty of worrying over my siblings even though the one constant reminder to myself this year is to not worry.

And then, I found a new job and resigned from my current one, although I'm still serving my notice. I've been trying hard to spend more time with different groups of colleagues because I really want to keep them as friends thereafter. And now, back after an East Coast Park outing with my lunch kakis today, I feel quite emotional when I think about my impending departure. I'm no good with good-byes and probably never will. A thought that often runs through my mind at times of such separation is, why can't human relationships ever stay constant? Why must we fall out, break up, quarrel, leave, or die? Why do I have to feel so much, every time? 

All this worrying and anxiety over other people for the past month made me realise how dear they are to me and yet another reminder to forgetful me to not take them for granted. Anyway, my sister is finally coming back home from Japan, although she will be jetting off for travels for most of this year. As for my close colleagues, a part of me know it is inevitable that we'll drift apart when we're no longer at the same place at the same time. But still, there is pleasure in converting them from colleagues to friends, because I'll always hold the latter closer to my heart. 

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