22 Mar 2006

Question for everyone

Because I've been doing quite a bit of reminiscing in the previous posts, I'm just curious to know about other people's experiences with this nebulous entity called memory. So here's a question:

What was your first piece of memory about? And how old were you then? Let's talk!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I remember staring at the spring of the holder for the cloth yao2 lan2. Then some idiotic uncle went to change it from my old one to the new super automated spring type that rocks by itself and I was so pissed that I cried. But... it may not be the earliest memory I had cos' I slept in the yao lan till I was darn old.

There's also another time my papa took me on his shoulders to Macdonalds and I saw this Ronald MacDonald Wannabe all dressed up and walking around and I was so freaked out and cried and refused to go back in. No... not even the lure of a burger and fries could tempt me in.

june said...

Gee, now I get it when u say we are quite alike, because even our early memories are similar!

I remember my father's headful of greasy hair and smell of Brylcreem hair Cream and how i mussed it up, sitting upon his shoulders! haha!

june said...

But I note that you seem to cry alot as a kid. I wonder how grandpapa n grandmama could stand you.

Anonymous said...

Yes... I was a little brat like you. U never sat on your scotitish papa's shoulders... He was too weak to carry you, that useless lout. Which papa do you mean? Your scottitish papa or your other papa?

june said...

r u mad? scottish men don't use brylcreem. they like to be au naturel, if you know what i mean.

Anonymous said...

He didn't? Man... I must have gotten him mixed up with somebody else. Haha, those were the days.. Erhem... Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Btw, what the hell is nebulous?... gee...