6 Mar 2006

Tomorrow is made for chillin'

But I meant it when I said that I need some peace and quiet. Which is why I've taken leave for tomorrow. I shall not look at my emails nor chat on MSN messenger. I will not even write in this blog.

I'll wake up early and go get my MacDonald's egg mcmuffin breakfast, and then settle down to watch the Oscars with some coffee. Strange, I think most people's reaction to the documentary Super Size Me would be to avoid MacDonald's for at least a few weeks, but it only served to remind me that I've not eaten it for a few months. But then again, I've always suspected that my brain is wired a little differently. Don't believe me? I think I'm may have mild synaesthesia, a condition when your 5 senses intermingle. You can take a
test to find out if you may have the condition or read more about it here.

When I think of certain words (especially names) beginning with certain letters, colours come to my mind. For example, names beginning with B reminds me of yellow. C with pinkish tones. J with light blue. H with either tan or light brown.

But I can't really tell if these are really "synaesthesic" associations or learned associations. For example, I could think of yellow when I think of B names because of the word buttercup.

I thought it was just a quirk of an idle brain with nothing else better to do. But now that they actually have a name for this sort of thing, it's just as well.

Anyway, back to my chillin' plan. Then I do a 4-step self-facial, and practice my violin and sight-reading. And exercise. And rest early for Jazz night tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man... doing the stupid synasethic or what not test wasted 15mins of my lunchtime... I'm glad I'm properly wired up... gee... stupid test...