1 Apr 2006

No more freakin' flu pills

I'll just say it outright: I ain't taking Cl*rin*se no more. If any doctor were to ask for allergies in future I'll state that my mind is allergic to those sugar-coated mini mentos.

You can see that I'm no happy camper here. Last night I was feeling quite bad from a combination of sore throat, runny nose, overproductive phlegm glands (to those smart alecks out there who are going "is there such a thing?": pluck off.) and general heatiness from an overindulgence in mangoes. I took some medication for the throat, antibiotics, and a Cl*rin*se pill.

I was thrashing and tossing the whole night, and whimpering in gratefulness that the next day is not a working day. It was just messing up my whole system: it makes you think you're asleep when you're not and vice versa. Worse, you thought that you were in some parallel universe alongside this one and strange thoughts just keep popping up. I kept scratching my legs which were feeling itchy for some reason. It wasn't mosquito bites as I couldn't find any tell-tale red bumps. If you don't know what I'm talking about, basically I'm saying I was sort of hallucinating last night, yah.

And then, in the middle of it all, I woke up (or not, I can't tell if I was really sleeping) with a feeling that if I don't take in some fluids immediately, I'll really be in danger of expiring. So I ran to down a mug of water, and more.

This morning, when I woke up, I felt as heavy as a rock and even now, as I'm typing away, my fingers are trembling a bit.

I mean, what the freakin' crap is this, messing around with an already precariously erm, nervy mind? A typical day would be when only 1 acquaintance tells me that I'm off the rocker.

Digression: By the way, I note that people are especially wary of those who like to make free associations: e.g. "Mondays are not blue for me, they're yellow because they remind me of lemons". Why's that? When you think about it, many works with creative input are also the result of a certain degree of free-wheeling linking. (e.g. corrupted pigs as communists, hmm.) Write about it in the western world and you get hailed as a genius. Say that out loud in China and a mob would descend on you. Who's to say who's mad and who's not?


Paradoxicaa said...

how come cannot comment on your baking lesson ? So when are you going to bake for us after uneventful lesson. better not eat haha else end up at the ICU haha

june said...

Oh, but I've just baked something for our outing tomorrow.
i hope you've been paying your medical insurance premiums regularly, a stay in ICU doesnt come cheap, you know.

june said...

ms wl, you actually cancelled the outing juz to avoid my cake!?